Page 16 - Real Estate Buyer Book Carolann Clynes
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Tools for the Journey

                                                        The Buyer Book
                                                        You’re reading it. A thorough study in what it takes to buy in our market. The essential
                                                        guide to navigating the specifics of finding, negotiating and ultimately owning the home

                                                        you’ve dreamed of. After years of serving buyers, we understand the ins and outs of pur-
                          THE BUYER Book                chasing property. We’ve outlined the process and strive to answer most of your questions
                            YoUR GUidE To BUYiNG PRoPERTY iN SUMMiT
                                 c                      in advance.
                               Carolann Clynes
                                 FINE HOMES
                                                        We think our website is the best and most consumer-friendly real estate site in our area!
                                                        The host company has spent literally millions of dollars evaluating search patterns for
                                                        real estate and surveying what buyers want. Easy to retrieve information with only one

                                                        or two clicks, the ability to ask questions, save favorites, get community information,
                                                        etc. Fast and effortless! it is the cornerstone of our marketing efforts and continues to
                                                        showcase listing inventory to Buyers in an enjoyable, user-friendly format.

                                                        Market Reports
                                                        Crunch the numbers with us as we analyze the details and trends of the overall market

                                                        as well as specific areas. This will be a distinct advantage for you when it’s time to buy in

                                                        Local Resource Guide

                                                        This  is  your  connection  to  our  preferred  businesses  and  services  in  our  area. keep  it
                                                        handy as a reference before and after your purchase.

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